Comics Databse

The Comic Book Database collects all Dr. Strange comics and appearances of Dr. Strange in other comics. The database is broken down into several easy to reference sections below. The database contains a large amount of information about each comic to include: writer, artist, year, characters involved, brief description of the story, among other information. The database will be completely searchable in the future. For example, if you are going to a convention and want to find out what comics Michael Golden was the artists, you can search the database and pull those comics form your collection or acquire them to take to the convention to get signed.

Primary Series

This section of the Comic Book Database contains all the dedicated primary Dr. Strange series. A series is an on-going comic run that was not intended to only be a specific amount of issues long, one shots, or guest appearances in other comic titles. Click Here!

Mini Series

This section of the Comic Book Database lists all of the Dr. Strange specific mini-series titles. This section does not include appearances in crossover events or mini-series such as The Infinity Gauntlet, House of M, etc. Refer to the Guest Appearance section of the database below for those types of comics. Click Here!

One Shots

The One Shots section of the Comic Book Database contains Dr. Strange specific one shot issues. These are comic books that are designed to be single issue stories. They could tie into other events within the Marvel Universe or just simply be a single story that they dedicated a single comic book to. This section does not include Dr. Strange appearances in other one character/group one shot titles. Refer to the Guest Appearance section of the database below. Click Here!

Important/Significant Runs

The Comic Important/Significant Runs section of the Comic Book Database lists all Dr. Strange important series outside of his main title series. These include such titles as Strange Tales, Defenders, Marvel Premiere, etc. Click Here!

Guest Appearances

The Guest Appearance section of the Comic Book Database lists all Dr. Strange appearances in any other comics not listed in the categories above that are in the collection. This could include a key role in that comic book or simply just an apperance on the cover. This is by far, the largest section of the database because he has appeared in hundreds of comics since 1963. Click Here!