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Live Action Films

Doctor Strange (2016 Marvel Studios/Walk Disney Studios) - Run Time: 115min , Rated: PG-13

This is the first big budget live action Dr. Strange movie. Directed by Scott Derrickson and starring: Benedict Cumberbatch (Dr. Strange), Chiwetel Ejiofor (Mordo), Tilda Swinton (The Ancient One), Mads Mikkelsen (Kaecilius) and Rachel McAdams (Christine Palmer). As with most Marvel movies, it will include an origin story then moves into battling Kaecilius.       Link to IMDB

Thor: Ragnarock (2017 Marvel Studios/Walk Disney Studios) - Run Time: 130min , Rated: PG-13

Directed by Taika Waititi and starring: Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Tom Hiddleston (Loki), Cate Blanchett (Hela), Tessa Thompson (Valkyrie) and many others. This was a great movie that leaned towards comedy. Dr. Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) appears near the begining of the movie and helps Thor locate Odin on Earth after he was exhiled by Loki.       Link to IMDB

Animated Movies

Doctor Strange (2007) - This was the only Dr. Strange animated feature movie from Marvel Animated Features. It was directed by Patrick Archibald and Jay Oliva and voiced by Bryce Johnson (Doctor Strange), Paul Nakauchi (Wong), Kevin Richardson (Mordo), Michael Yama (Ancient One) and Jonathan Adams (Dormammu). This movie deviates from the comics in a few places to include Wong being a strong sorcerer before Dr. Strange travels to meet the Ancient One. Overall, it was well done and gave us a Dr. Strange movie in the early 2000s.        Link to IMDB

TV Appearances

Dr. Strange (1978 Univseral Television) - Run Time: 93 min, Rated: TV-PG

This was the first live action Dr. Strange movie made for TV directed by Philip DeGuere and starring: Peter Hooten (Dr. Strange), Clyde Kusatsu (Wong), Jessica Walter (Morgan LeFay) and Anne-Marie Martin (Clea). The story centers around a sorcerer who passes the "Guardianship of the Light" to Dr. Strange to battle Morgan LeFey. The movie was meant to be a pilot for possible pickup by the TV station as a series. It was never picked up. Over the years, this movie has been ridiculed and shunned. I personally didn't mind it. It deviates from the comic, but that happens in most written to film productions. You have to remember there wasn't what we consider CG effects back then. It was mostly cheesy practical effects or slight of camera/film that achieved effects like spells. I would recommend any true Dr. Strange fan to watch it and draw their own conclusions.       Link to IMDB

The Incredible Hulk Animated TV Series (1977 ) - Run Time: 21 min, Rated: TV-Unk

Doctor Strange guest stars in this episode (3 season 2) and helps She Hulk rescue Bruce from an evil entity who enters our dimension to try and find a person strong enough to house his entity. Maurice LaMarche does the voice of Doctor Strange. This episode is directed by Ron Myrick and was written by John Semper. Link to IMDB