Number:      BS-15 (99/99)
Name:      Doctor Strange vs. Mr. Misery
2nd Name:      Battle Spectra Gems
Type:      Chase Parallel
Series:      Marvel Masterpieces
Date:      2020
Artist:      Dave Palumbo
Manufacturer:      Upper Deck
Other Characters:      Mr. Misery
Description:      Marvel Masterpieces is a set that doesn't come out every year and is very popular with collectors. All the cards in this set are done by the same artist, Dave Palumbo. This specific card depicts a battle between Doctor Strange and Mr. Misery. Mr. Misery is also known as "The Thing in the Cellar." It is kept in the basement of the Sanctum Sanctorum and is a creature Doctor Strange created to deposit all his pain and suffering in caused by using magic. He first appeared in Doctor Strange #8 in 2016. This is the Gems parallel version of the card and it is limited to 99 cards.

All original content  @Doctor Strange Archive.  All other content @ and/or TM by Marvel or the original artist/creator.
